Item | Value |
Built | 1993 |
Condition | Dismantled |
Name | Packard Bell Executive Multi-Media 909D |
Motherboard | PB 650 |
Chipset | Intel S82378ZB / S82434NX |
Socket | Socket 5 |
Processor | Intel Pentium 1 |
Speed | 100 MHz |
RAM | 8 MB FPM |
Storage | 2 GB IDE |
GPU | Cirrus Logic Alpine 5430/5434 |
This machine had a soundcard capable of receiving AM/FM radio.
I have fond memories of using this computer at my dad's house and playing the bundled SimCity 2000.
Someday, I may add one of these to my collection, for the sake of completeness.
Motherboard diagram credits to: uktsupport.co.uk, I've copied the image purely for archival purposes.