
Floppy/Floptical Drives

One of the earliest, non-living virus carriers.

NameTypeModelYearCondition / StatusBus/ProtocolAllocatedDetails
Safronic 5.25 1.2MBFloppy DiskDS-53N1990WorkingFDDVoodooBeige faceplate, Amber LED
NEC 5.25 1.6MBFloppy DiskFD1157C1990WorkingFDDPres-HotBeige faceplate
NEC 3.5 1.44MBFloppy DiskFD1231M2006WorkingFDDBlack Faceplate, heads cleaned
Panasonic 3.5 1.44MBFloppy DiskJU-257A606P1996WorkingFDDCurrently being used with GreaseWeazle
Panasonic 5.25 1.2MBFloppy DiskJU-475-5AKO1991WorkingFDDWhite Faceplate w/impact marks, needs cleaning
Iomega ZIP 100MO DriveZ100IDE????WorkingIDEDoDBeige faceplate
Iomega ZIP 100MO DriveZ100S21997Working New or Like NewParallel-Complete with box, Iomega blue, Parallel Cable
Iomega ZIP 100MO DriveZ100SCSI1997WorkingSCSIIomega blue
Iomega ZIP 100MO DriveZ100USB1999Working New or Like NewUSB-Carry case, Crystal blue
Iomega Jaz DriveMO DriveWorkingSCSI
Iomega Rev DriveHard Disk????WorkingUSB